Friday, May 8, 2009

Life With a Newborn

WOW!!! Motherhood is........ sooooo much more than I planned. Just like there were moments during labor that I thought I couldn't do it any longer, there are those moments with being a new mother as well. These are the things that you don't think about and that people don't always talk and tell you about. You go in thinking that "O.K. I'm a woman, so these things are going to come naturally"........ well....... wrong!!! Sometimes it's that I just can't seem to calm him or figure out what he wants while at other times, I feel as if I can't make him happy no matter what I do. Other times, I feel as if my body can't go any longer or the pain of nursing gets to me. So..... it's not always easy, but is sooo worth it and by the next day, it's all over and is a bright new day.

I'd love to have a full 8 hours of sleep, but all in all, I think I'm adjusting pretty well. And the notion of sleeping when they sleep?? Ugh..... that doesn't quite work for me! There seems to always be something else that needs to be done and although I know that I SHOULD put that on the waiting list, I'd rather do it and get it done.The first week or so, he was eating and sleeping really well, but now he wants to nap WHILE feeding so things have gotten a little rougher. He doesn't want to sleep because he's hungry and he's hungry because he napping during feedings!! Very frustrating!! On top of that, he's in the midst of a growth spurt, so all he wants to do is eat!!! Between changing diapers and late night feedings, my nights are very tiring to say the least. At this point, I'm sleeping in his room with him. I'm so scared to leave him alone. Elijah started out sleeping in our room in a PNP, but when Todd went to back to work, I was taking him to to his room when he wakes to allow Todd to sleep, but soon I ended up just staying in there all night instead of going back and forth. Aside from missing being with Todd and being in our nice, soft bed, just staying in Elijah's room with him seems to work best for now. Of course, there are PLENTY of days where Elijah doesn't want to sleep or would prefer to sleep on us instead of in his bed and lately, those have been constant!!!

I think we are all doing pretty well. Aside from sore feet and being sore in the beginning, I pretty much felt back to normal a week or so after his birth and we began getting out for short outtings. The first week was and is a blur to both of us (mainly due to the sleep depreivation!) Todd's now back to work, but loves to spend as much of his home time as possible with Little Elijah and takes on diaper duty on his days off to allow me more sleep time. Isn' t that sweet? He is a great Daddy and loves the little guy to pieces! He sings and plays with him every day. He has definitely created a great bond with his face just beams with pride to have a son.

Buddy was a little antsy at first and wanted to jump at him to play, but now he's calmed down and just wants to sniff him. He seems very protective of him. He follows me wherever I go with Elijah and will sit right at your feet during his feedings. Snowball was my main concern while I was pregnant because I thought she'd constantly try to get in his crib and pack-n-plays, but as it turns out, she couldn't care less that he's here! She's tried to get in his bed a couple times, but after being told no, she goes on her way. They have both really surprised me in that the crying doesn't bother thiem at all! (LOL. All of those baby shows that I watched while I was pregnant must have de- sensatized them.) And of course, Jake is off limits for QUITE a while. Elijah will be able to admire him from a distance and the safety of a glass :)

All in all, motherhood has been great and I'm sure Todd would agree with Fatherhood being the same. Every day hasn't been easy, but everytime I see those eyes or that beautiful face, all the trials and negative thoughts go away. I can have a really rough night, but when morning comes and he wakes, that face just makes it all disappear immediately.

Elijah has been a HUGE blessing to us and I can't imagine things any different right now. I love being a mommy and can't wait to see what the future hold for us! We are beyond blessed and are truly thankful!!! It's crazy to think that we were/ are trusted with this fragile little life that relies solely on us! We are BEYOND blessed!